Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today is a good day.

Current song: D.A.N.C.E. by Justice

Current Quote: "You are such a P.Y.T." ---from the song mentioned above (i know im copping out with the quotes... lol but it's hella late and i dun wanna look for a quote that reflects my current mood. :-P) does n e one remember this micheal jackson reference? lol

i just wanted to make this a really quick blog, i had such an eventful day. so much sharing with people. Each day is a new day. I luve every minute of it. I really lik to thank joyce for helpin me out. whatever she told me is working and i have a better and more pos. attitude.

Today i shared with my LOG fam a bit and it really helped and i felt genuine and luved bak. I luv LOG. i had a lot of one on one convo's and i really liked all of them. Today was just a great day in general and i feel like im getting closer and feelings a sense of belonging somehow. lol i even talked to FJF (father john francis) about this problem, and he is just such a wise man. there was a talk with Bellameeeee, charlene, steve, charmaine, janice, and FJF. i can't thank God enuf for all my wonderful blessings today and all the beautiful people in my life and all the sharing and caring and laffs and... just everything. im in a great mood! are you? hehe. take care everyone. i think i'll sleep now.

p.s. sry i didn't get into the details and specifics in my blog today, but just know that i am praying for all of you that confronted me about your problems, if you need prayers, just ask me. no problem. ;-)

i luv life and this world. good nite God and all. : D


Ace is... said...
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Unknown said...

Take care Ace. I'ma finish up my spit about you. Forreal. You pimp you! hahaha Glad to hear the optimism.
<3 life

<3, onee-san

anna liza said...

and life and the world loves YOU. i thank Him everyday for blessing me with a friend like you, ace judell! hollaaa! hahah :D

Charlene Grace said...

I love the song "D.A.N.C.E." Good taste in music, son.

If you ever do need anything else, let me know!