Sunday, November 9, 2008

My view on Politics

Current song: "Sincerely" by Tsutchie (a group who work with Nujabes who are known for doing the intro music for the popularized anime Samurai Champloo)

Current Quote: "Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong. ---Richard Armour

So i hav reccently been updating myself with other ppl's blogs, and it looks like the hot topic of the week is all about politics. lol and i feel like i shud do wut the cool thing is... "what everyone else is doing." lol jk doin wut everyone else is doing is not always the cool thing. but n e ways. moving on, i felt like i couldn't leave a deccent comment on ppl's blogs cuz i have nothing to say about politics. What also prompted me to write this blog was because i just reccently discussed this matter with Ronezza. we had a pretty good chat about it. haha.

But in case most of you don't know... I have a very strong dislike towards politics.

but it's not like, if ur all passionate about politics and such, i won't hate you at all, in fact, i totally respect that and think it's cool that you are very knowledgable about the way our nation operates and are up to date with what's going on.

but the following are my reasons for not liking politics:
  1. It is such an easy way to get yourself into an argument with someone else: and things can get heated in just under a minute. I'm not sure if that makes me a wussy, (cuz i like to avoid confrontation) but that's what i do. so many arguments and rebutles, it's like... who do i believe? it really gets to much for me to handle and process. u know? number two ties in well with number one.
  2. You really have to do sooo much reasearch in order to find out what's what and who stands for what opinion. etc.: if you are making an argument with someone, you really have to be super knowledgeable to hold your own wen defending your position. it is just too much work! seriously. and how credible are your sources? are you sure you know exactly what you are saying is 100% fact and true?
  3. Who's to say that who i vote for will acutally follow through with what he/she is saying?: i honestly think that ppl. will say anything to be where they want to be. Kind of like ppl who are willing to do sum crzy shit just to be on TV. ya know? lol. it's like... dude.. calm down. hahaa. but seriously, some presidential candidate could say the best things in the most eloquent manner, but he could probably act like the next Hitler. all im saying is, if America votes for the most popular and seems like the best choice by landslide, and he becomes some crzy dictator, at least i could say that i didn't vote. : P actions defintely speak louder than words. ALWAYS.
  4. You don't get sucked into Jury duty: i don't know about u, but i dun wanna wait 3 hrs and dive somewhere to hear someone sueing and complaining about some random crap just to earn profit. "America is a place where you can sue anyone for anything and get away with it!" ---unknown, i forgot where i got that quote from, but i heard it from somewhere and it said something along those lines. i feel like jury duty is just another distraction in life where you have to stop your current daily life and activities and handle someone else's problem. sry, iono if that came out as too harsh, but that's how i feel about it. i also think like the less my name doesn't make it to some govt. related list of names, the better it will be for me in the long run. as in getting drafted(i really pray there is no drafts ever again), or jury duty, or wutever the hell it is. the more my name isn't associated with the govt, i feel like it'll b better int he long run.
  5. God's will. I don't know how God and politics really fit well with each other. How sure are we that God will's a certain candidate to win and lead a nation instead of another candidate. It's crzy stuff to think about man. It's always been separate... and i honestly don't think i can draw the line between this prop and that prop, or this person is better than that person. It sux to compare ppl. i honestly feel like comparing yourself to others is a bad measurement. Always compare yourself to your own abilities. And it sux to compare a person you don't know to another person. Who is to say that one person is a much better role model than the other.
  6. "I have enough faith in humanity, that they will research and vote properly enough for me to thrive and prosper well." im not sure if i have an overly strong indiference and i am just too stubborn, but this is the way i feel. Unless i feel like something really bothers me to a personal level, then i'll probably do sumthing about it, such as vote or petition, or rally up ppl. and protest, or speak on it. etc. Im not sure if my strong indifference is a sin or not... i sometimes wonder. but all in all, i see voting kind of like Wikipedia. people will check upon sources and research and like, everything will work itself out and the best answer will come upon the masses. Why shud i put in my two cents when i know absolutely nothing about the subject, haha.
well then, that sure was a lot. most of my blogs aren't that serious. lol. but yes, i thought it was neccessary to write about it.

another thing before i wrap up this blog, i really like Kirst.'s quote on her status. "I'm looking at you and my heart likes the view." lol. i think that's a really cool quote.

I love my family and freinds. i had a really good weekend. i got to hang with my family, see some friends that i haven't talked to or seen for such a long time (some years, others months) and i got to celebrate a good friends' birthday who's birthday was oct. 16. lol so im totally a month late, but i still took her out to lunch, so it was all gewd. i luved my weekend. :-D

Maybe my next blog will be about my parents and how i feel about them and some current news that i heard is happening. Tune in next time! lol

end time 1:52

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree, why get involved in something that you have no passion or knowledge about. That's actually a very smart thing to do. And you have great reasoning behind it. As Kuya said, let the people who know something and you trust help make the decision. Your points are very sound and there is nothing wrong with stating your opinion on the subject matter.

I think it could be an age thing too Ace. 8 years ago, all I knew was that we were against Bush. 4 years ago, I voted for my party but didn't get too into it. This year, I voted for the primaries, knew and discussed some props that were important for us and California. And finally, America voted in the right president. LOL But of course, everything is very much into debate. All I'm saying is.. maybe your mind will change about politics as you grow older. I know it did for me. I can relate it to the Olympics.. when you're younger, everybody turns it into a huge hype and you watch it from time to time or watch whatever sport your parents or family has on. It wasn't until this year when I actually wanted to watch all the sports and races and all the countries, etc. But even for myself, I'm not that into politics. AP Gov't was fun in high school though. HAHAHHAH