Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'm Happy but...

Current Song Playing: "Numb/Encore" by Jay-Z Linkin Park collaboration

current quote of the day: "Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times." ---Aeschylus (a greek playwright. i learned of him in my classics class. check out wiki

hey guys. just wanted to say wussup. things have been great for me lately. i am happy. really. im not lying. i really do enjoy and love my life rite now.

today i got to play tennis with my kuya and JR at Cerritos. it was really fun. i think it was mostly because of the fact that i felt like i was playing really good tennis. like... for a second. i felt like i was in my High School prime kinda tennis. lol but it was only for a sec. lol. but i always hoped that i'd improve my game and not get rusty. maybe even go above and beyond my HS tennis skills and get better. haha. fat chance but i can dream can't i?

So tennis was great today, and super fun. but chirstmas was something else. i luuuuved spending time with my fam and frenz and the FOOOD! woot. and i didn't even get started talking about presents. lol but i felt like what i gave out this xmas was super cool and what i recieved was totally awesome. :-D

so i spent some time with at my sisters in Colton (near riverside) and we had some drinks and played nerdy games and rock band. lol but yeah. it was such a fun nite and hung out with my future brother in law. it was great times. and of course, great food. cuz wen u roll with the Enriquez's it's only the prime select choice meats and produce u grub down on. ;-) rofl. it's kinda true tho.

My eldest sister Ate Ann, said this today. "i love and hate the holidays, but what i hate the most is the eating, cuz it just totally messes up my eating pattern" and it's sooo true. i totally agree with what she said. wen ur at home, with lots of family, lots of good company, and lots of good food (home cooked food made with love frm my mom lol) you can't really tell if your hungry, or just craving to eat/taste the food from the smell of it all. lol

speaking of which, my dad got a home ice cream maker. it is freaking awesome! i luv it. lol so far, we made some vanilla, super sour lemon sherbert, and coffee ice cream. it was great stuff man. i hope i don't gain weight over the break. lol. : )

so im pretty happy where i stand as of now. i really am, but for some reason... i can't help but feel like im still incomplete and somewhat empyt inside. i have this strong feeling of being empty rite now. and i am no quite sure why. i always ask myself if im living life to it's fullest, and i know i shouldn't really compare my life to other ppl's lives. and i should really consider all the wonderful blessing that i have today. i shouldn't take things for granted. i mean, i got a wonderful and supportive family, certain talents and characterisitcs. tennis is also fun. i have some great friends. I'm on deccent terms with God. but i just don't know... i just feel like there's so many more things i can do and want to do that i feel like will make my life more meaningful somehow or more fulfilling. but what? i just don't know. i'd like to say that i want to experiment and try new things but i admit, im kinda scared. im ussually one that keeps the status quo. maybe i shud really change that huh? im not too sure anymore.

i can really see how ppl. have addictions. because once ppl. try something and like it, it becomes their world and it makes them feel alive. i can see how ppl. can get addicted to drugs, or pornography, or addicted to food and become obease. i can see how ppl can be obsessed with a certain thought/action becuase it makes them feel "complete" but how do we decipher "completeness" with "false complacency" ? why do i feel this way in the first place? haha, i don't know. i want to try other things... some things that i will not mention in this blog cuz it'll probably shock u what i want to try. hahah it's kinda like... i wanna try it once, and see how it is, but what im afriad of the most is messing up my life... becoming addicted to it, or even liking it and wanting to do it more even tho i know it's "false complacency" i always felt like it was best to neve try things just so that there is no way for me to become addicted. but i can't help it that im curious can't i? iono... i kinda don't know wut to do. who says that by trying/do these things that i have in mind will make my life that much better and more fulfilling?

in any case, i shud just enjoy life now and take things step by step rite? hehe. mkay i think i've had my brain dump of the day. lol hope everyone is doin well and is safe these hollidays. new years is coming up. next blog will be about new year's resolutions. : D have fun all bye

End time: 12:54 Am

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Am i Living Life? (are you?)

Current Song of the day. "Weekend Warriors" by A Change in Pace (Kudos to Mr. Forton once again for introducing me to this song)

Current Quote of the day: "Weekends are for Warriors... This can't last forever, raise our glass together... It doesn't get much better. no better than this." from the quote song above

So i dont' mean to be a jockerr or n e ting, but charlene had this on her blogspot and i wanted to try it out. it was some crzy color quiz thing that supposedly tells you about ur personality. reassure me guys! tell me if you think wat this quiz says it dead on right about me and what isn't i wanna know! lol.

Your Existing Situation
Attracted by anything new, modern, or intriguing. Liable to the bored by the humdrum, the ordinary, or the traditional

Your Stress Sources
Delights in the tasteful, the gracious, and the sensitive, but maintains his attitude of critical appraisal and refuses to be swept off his feet unless genuineness and integrity can be absolutely vouched for. Therefore keeps a strict and watchful control on his emotional relationships as he must know exactly where he stands. Demands complete sincerity as a protection against his own tendency to be too trusting.

Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels that he cannot do much about his existing problems and difficulties and that he must make the best of things as they are. Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left him listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him.
Circumstances force him to compromise and to forgo some pleasures for the time being. Capable of achieving physical satisfaction from sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective
Feels exhausted by conflict and quarreling and desires protection from them. Needs peaceful conditions and a tranquil environment in which to relax and recover.

Your Actual Problem

Needs to protect himself against his tendency to be too trusting, as he finds it is liable to be misunderstood or exploited by others. As a result, he adopts a critical and stand-offish attitude, being willing to participate only where he can be assured of sincerity and trustworthiness.
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left him listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him.Circumstances force him to compromise and to forgo some pleasures for the time being. Capable of achieving physical satisfaction from sexual activity."

you can take this quiz @

interesting huh? i never really saw myself as too trusting. i am trusting... but not too trusting. but yeah, i found it kinda interestings. hehe

so i really felt that the above quote and song accurately reflected my past weekend. : ]

i had a really great weekend. to sum it all up in the most short and concise way possible, ima say this

i met up with sum HS frenz and we ate out to celebrate a friends bday on the eigth of this month. we ate at this seafood place in irvine, afterwards, we got some drinks at my frenz pad in irvine, had some fun. stayed out late and got home to bp at 5 am. i slept at six and woke up the following morn. at 7:30 so i can go to work with my brother. i slept throughout the inspections (so i ended up getting a deccent amt. of sleep) my brother did and we ate at morongo buffet for lunch. played rockband frm 3-6 at a coworkers place, xmas shopping afterward, and then kiked it at home. there were many more tiring details in between, but it was crzy fun weekend. my xmas break is still going and i hope to keep up this pace. lol

mad shoutouts to all my HS frens that i havne't seen/talked to for a while now. i am trying me best to budget all my time here in BP to see and keep in touch with all the homies frm HS. i really do wanna kik it with all yall. haha. tha'ts another thing for me to look forward to in the holidays.

so as i look back at what i've done in the past, and what im doin now. i cna't help but ask if i've really living life. i mean... there is like. so many things that ihavent' done yet and want to do. i just can't help but feel like i've wasted a part of my youth not doin stuff. like taking up a martial arts, being more musically inclinded, snowboarding, reading various types of books, dancing, other sports, travelling the country, experiencing new things. a part of me feels like i've wasted a bit of my youth even tho i am still at a young age. i shud b more optimistic and say htat i hav a looooong ways to go wtih plenty of more time to explore and learn mroe and do more.

As of late, life is treating me well, and im loving the holidays. i remember what xmas was like last year and what i was going thru and stuff, and this year... totally different. hahaha. it's like.. waaaay more fun and more exciting. is it a change in times? or a change within myself that makes this year's holiday's more fun. i hav no idea, but lets hope it stays that way.

i hope i don't gain too much weight over this break, a part of me feels like i already did. (lol) but yeah, lack of excercise and lots of good food around me is a bad combination for myself. but i'll make do somehow.

im tired yall. let's blow this joint. happy holidays! xmas is in 2 days! hopefully i get to see u sometime during the break. :-) peaCe!

end time 3:10 am

Friday, December 19, 2008

Post Skyrie

Current Song of the day: "Insurance" by The Higher (compliments to Mr. Forton for introducing me to this song/band)

Current Quote of the Day: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

---Thomas Edison

  1. chain reaction

  2. after party

  3. quality time with the Platon's :-D

  4. Skyrie

  5. xmas shopping tomorrow and today

  6. what im looking forward to for the break.

1. So chain reaction was hella tite man. i luved it. sooo much fun. Steve Forton hosted the event and bought tix in advance. The great thing about Mr. Forton is that he's a do-er. he doens't wait around for something to happen, he makes it happen. and i wish i could do that. he knows how to bring ppl. together, plan fun events, and how to have a good time (responsibly of course lol) so he set up the whole chain reaction event in anaheim. it was really cool. Charlene, Charmaine, Mark Sescon, Jerrick, Steve, one of Steve's friends, and I all went.

we saw 3 bands. The Morning of, Danger Radio, and My American Heart. (each band went after the other in that order) Each band had their own strengths that i liked. i felt like the Morning of would had great variation in each of their songs so that not every sone they played all sounded similar or the same. it also has a girl and guy singer, which sounds really nice. altho they didn't bring much crowd energy nor did the Girl vocalist sing loud enuf. (maybe her mic volume was too low?)

Danger Radio was pretty solid all around. they kinda remind of of a cross between Maroon 5 and Hello Goodbye. they're pretty legit. charlene and Charmaine bought their cd and i like their style. i kinda felt like thier songs started sounding all every similar after a while, but they still produce good music. esp. their acoustic stuff. i'll post one of their songs in my next blog of sumtin.

and My American Heart had filipinos in their band. like... real talented filipinos! rofl jk. but yeah. they definitely brought in most of the crowd energy and ppl. got crzy with the moshing and crowd surfing. i wanted to get in the moshing, but i had my glasses on and i was somewhat concerned about Charlene and Charmaine with the ppl. around us moshing it up. i didn't wanna see them squashed like pancakes at the end of the nite. lol

and on another note about moshing... i kinda felt like what they were doing was hella stupid. like... i mean what steve and the rest of the crowd was moshing up and down was acceptable and cool cuz htey were just jumping up and down with the pushing here and there. but some guys next to us and charlene and charmaine was like... extreme moshing in a crzy deranged manner that just kinda made him look stupid. it was like... kicking around and elbowing the air in a wanna be punk manner. it could really hurt someone by doin that. and whats the point? just so u can look cool cuz ur too into the moment of the song? it was like... really dumb in my opinion. it looked like they were fighting with the invisible person next to them or like... they were trying to elbow thier own face or sumtin. iono man, it was pretty dumb in my opinion. but yeah. all in all Charin reaction was an excellent nite.

2. so the afterparty of Charin reaction was tite. Mark had to go meet up with the other older LOG ppl. to go drink it up. and charlene, Charmaine, and i exchanged presents with Steve. so that was pretty cool. so then the Platon's and i hit up a party that was walking distance frm their place. it was a lotta fun. we got to meet and socialize with a lotta cool ppl. it's always great to meet new facebook frenz ya know? lol we met this guy who was really good at beer pong, this one guy that cud take any punch in the stomache cuz the mofo had some crzy hard abs. it was kinda scary lol. and we met this one guy frm USC who was half Inidian and half Filipino. he was super cool. and just a heads up. the Platon's are redickulous wen it comes to beer pong. it was like their first time playing, and they totally dominated. it was scary. on thier second match, they were down like... 8 cups and they totaly came bak and won. so im telling u guys, watch out for them.

now we stayed up till four am that nite. it was kinda scary cuz there was a security guard that kept on threatening to call the cops on the house party. lol. and someguy had too much to drink and he puked. and there was connect four and i owned charlene. (lol sry, i had to brag about that : P) but the best part of that night was seeing the Platon's buzzed. ROFL. sooo much fun just watching them man. Charmaine was like... a giggly drunk on helium. she kept on talking like a 7 year old. it was sooo funny! omb. and like... she would laff at everything and anything. lol. she just wouldnt' stop giggling. and she was a bit off balance. as for Charlene, she was like... doin kartwheels in the parking structure. and then i had a few drinks so i felt like dancing and getting hyphy and Charlene tried to get hyphy with me! and charmaine was just ROFL. daym man.... those were good times. we were hella loud too. i got kinda worried that some of the neighbors would wake up cuz charmaine woulnd't stop giggling. lol. we tried watching a movie afterwards but we failed miserably cuz it was hella late. lol

3. but spending some good quality time with the Platons was just a great way to start my winter break. seriously... i had just finished my last 2 finals on friday, and i went over their pad and just kiked it and hung out with them till saturday. it was soo much fun just hanging out and chilling with them. Good time and good memories. cheers. i felt like my finals went okay. i did well in my ESS1 final. i thought i did deccent in my soc 2 final. and my ESS7 class had a final a bit more difficult than the midterm. and my soc 63 final was easier cuz i studied more for it and i just felt like it was easier than the mditerm in which i scored poorly on.

4. After my mini side-quest (yes, i know im nerdy) with the Platon's i went off to Skyrie. i went to mammoth with Kyrie. it was really fun. lots of bonding and fellowship. not very much God or reflection time, but at least i got to grow closer with this Kyrie group and learn more about the ppl. within the group. that part was really cool. i felt like many of the things i did could have been done here at socal, but it's all good. I'm not too sure if i got my money's worth is all. we had cramped sleeping areas. the drive up was uncomfortable cuz of a packed car. since i didnt' snowboard, we just watched movies, ate, ate out, took pictures, played in the snow a bit. i was kinda scared at some times cuz the weather was pretty extreme man. i think i have very poor blood circulation to my feet, cuz my feet got cold very easily, even with 3 layers of socks. i think it was cuz i was wearing regular sneakers and water got in easily with the snowmelt and the cold relentless wind. there were other expenses that i din't take into acount like buying clothes for the weather, eating out, and other things. there was also the incident going back home...

the drive down was even worse than the ride up. we were suppose to come home wednesday afternoon or night. we drive about 2 hrs and were forced to stop at a burger king due to weather conditions. the snow wouldn't stop falling. from what we hear, the freeways home are all closed down due to the weather. from what i heard, this was the first time in 15years that it snowd in that area. so ppl. were not prepared for the weather and the police couldn't do much. the burgerking we were at (that was suppose to be 24 hrs) closed on us around 6 due to the weather conditions. we were forced to move to a neighboring restaurant called "the roadhouse diner and restaurant" or something like that. we were only suppose to be at burger king for an hour until the snow plow came, but it never did come. we switched over to the 24hr restarant hoping it wouldn't close on us. we just played more cards to pass the time. we stayed at the same spot for about 6-8 hours not making any progress going home. we realized that we were gonna spend the nite. around 3 am someone said that the freeways were open again cuz the snow had stopped falling. we continue to drive out. about less than an hour later, we are stuck in traffic, the freeways are closed and none of the cars are moving. we were forced to sleep in the cold in the middle of the freeway in a packed 5 seated car. i sat int he back right that night. it was soo hard to sleep. i went outside to stretch my legs and i switched spots with my friend cuz he said it was hard to sleep in the middle seat. when i went outside to stretch my legs, the whole freeway was covered in ice and i sliped and got a bruise. so i sat there sandwhiched between Jerome, who is a 6foot3 inch korean guy with long legs, and dean, a semi-buff guy. i was cramped and uncomfortable and had a hard time sleeping. it suxed. the funny part. the skinniest guy int he car was the driver, and jerome's girlfirend (who was skinny too) took shotgun, so i was pretty much stuck there in the middle of a cold freeway not going anywhere. i didn't get home till the next day in the afternoon.

people got cranky too (which was natural in times of adversity) and it was just hard overall. i mean... i did my best to be optimistic and happy, but when ppl. around u are negative, it's really tuff.

but lookin on the bright side of things. i feel like i really did get closer to ppl. i learned sooo much about the korean culture and i learned a few korean words. hahah. so that was coool. i got to talk to ppl. in kyrie more. those who i wouldnt' normally talk to and those who i got to know on a better level. i ate some good food in mammoth(at the expense of my wallet of course) see snowfall and make snow angel for the first time in my life. I really made some good memories this past few days. I made some new friends and i realized a different side of ppl. i never really saw before. Jerome was really funny. i was kinda glad that i rode in that car tho, cuz he was just really funny thruout the whole ride and he's just great entertainment and a really rebelious, but cool person. i liked my passengers a lot. shout out to Justin the driver, who tuffed it out, Dean who was a really cool and chillax person, and Stephanie who kept Jerome on check wen he got to crzy for everyone. lol. i also played a lotta cards, learned new card games, and i played some poker, and i also managed to learn how to shuffle a stack of real clay poker chips. It was also the last event for Hyemi because she is going back to Korea so we surprised her on the last nite of Mamoth with cookies and a candle and cider. so i guess... reflecting back on it all, i had a great time, but i just wish i spent less money. lol but other than that. Skyrie was great, and i really do love all the ppl. in kyrie. it was great. = D

5. so today was a very productive day. i liked it a lot cuz i went with Val to go to the Spectrum and did some xmas shopping. im glad i got a few presents here and there. it felt good cuz i got to hang out iwth my roomie, i listened to her problems and we got to talk a bit. i knocked out some ppl. frm my xmas list, and i bought a new blazer at Urban Outfitters for only 10 bux dude!!! 10 bux! it was a total steal man. i was sooo excited and happy. i really didn't plan on buying anything for myself, only for other ppl. but serioulsy. i coudlnt' let that type of deal pass me by. i'd b crzy to let something like that pass me up. so that was totally cool.

6. what im looking forward to is buying the rest of my xmas goods for the rest of my fam and going shopping with my best friend tomorrow. and possibly meeting up with the Platon's. i really can't wait for some good quality fam. time. i miss my fam bam. and it was swt that they called and txted me today to see how i was doing during my skyrie trip. i can't wait to giv the presents i bought for ppl. im really excited for that. and i can't wait to eat my mom's homecooked meals. they're sooo bomb. i want some kare-kare (one of my mom's speciality) and some brocolli caserrole. daym that's some good stuff. i also am excited for new years. it'll be really fun banging pots and pans around the house. i'll describe more about that later in another blog. sry guys, im hella tired rite now. this was a long blog. lol

good nite everyone. you're all in my prayers.

end time 3:00am

Sunday, December 14, 2008

a post that will be cont at a later date...

Surrent Song: "Slow Dance with a Stranger" ---Danger Radio

Current Quote of the Day:
"At a certain age you're always uncertain how other people will take you."
---Al Purdy

daym man... i saw these foos live. and they were sick dude. they're pretty tite. some of their songs reminds me of old skool Maroon 5 but better (in my opinion of course)

so... i gotta wake up hella early tomorrow so i can go to skyrie. so that kinda sux. i don't hav much time to write cuz i shud really b sleeping rite now. lol. but im kinda full cuz i just ate some mexican food.

i have some things to write about cuz since my winter break just started. things seem like it's gonna be a lotta fun.

i was just talking with Kirst and how the start of my break started off with a BANG. here's wut i needa blog about wen i get bak on Wednesday from skyrie.

  1. chain reaction
  2. after party
  3. quality time with the Platon's :-D
  4. Skyrie
  5. what im looking forward to for the break.

alrite then, i'll post more later. hope everyone enjoy's their break and is safe traveling this weekend. Please pray for the safety of our Kyrie group that's going to be driving tomorrow. please keep us in ur prayers k? thx guys! : )

end time: 1:40 am

Friday, December 12, 2008

i missed blogspot!

Current song: "Leave Out all the rest" by Linkin Park

Current Quote of the day: "You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." ---Mark Twain

dang man... i feel like it's been forever since i last blogged. i really did miss blogspot, facebook, and aim. i disciplined myself not to sign on either of them for finals week.

I hated the fact that i had finals all the way till friday. but i guess it's karma cuz i had all late start classes this quarter. my earliest class was at ten a.m. and i somehow still missed those discussion sections... lol. What can i say? i luv my sleep. haha

Um... i had so much to write in my blog to catch everyone up but i either forgot or im feeling really lazy rite now... sry guys. i semi hav a headache, i didn't have enuf sleep last nite cuz i had an 8 am final. daym im tired. lol. but i got a concert to head to tonite. Chain Reaction in Anaheim. and prolly hit up a party with some frenz and my siblings.

i think my finals went okay. my first two finals i felt like i did well on, my thrid final was much harder than the midterm. and my last final went alrite. i still needa go christmas shopping. anyone down to go with me? i needa couple of more stuff to get. : )

alrite, i think im dun. later guys!

end time: 4:57