Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Writing 31: Short story fiction writing.

current song of the moment: "Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys

Love the beat, lyrics, the whole song, but i kinda think alicia keys looks kinda lame here. lol she's standing and trying to rock out on a huge piano and bobbing her head and stuff. iono lol. it's not working for me. don't get me wrong, i think she is mad talented and sings beautifully, but iono she just looks un-natural here playing and singing in this song. haha

i especially like the part of the rap where jay z talks about momma mary. Starts around 3:02

Current Quote of the Day: " “People who looked on the bright side of things would be beautiful even if they were not.” ---No good Country People short story by Flannery O’Connor

this is from a short story we read in class. the short stories were awesome and i especially like this quote. i def agree that optimism, good self esteem, confidence, are very attractive qualities. i think thats wut this quote is trying to say.

so right now the following is super long. this is the short story i wrote for my fiction writing class. it was a lotta fun, that class and writing the story. I hope you all like it. firstly tho, i just wanted to thank Brentz for great moral support and critiqing my previous stories, and Hazel for revising this short story, cuz if it wasn't for her, i'd have grammar mistakes all over it. haha.

this story has some truth to it from my own experiences, and some are made up, and some are just exaggerated. if you want to know wut parts of the story really happened to me, ask me about it, but pleaase don't assume anything about this story and me. again, it's fiction. okay, with that said. here it is. fifteen pages on word double spaced about a high schooler who hates life. I guess it doens't look like a "short story" on my blog, but ya, i guess it's considered short story in the writing world. haha. hope you enjoy it, comment and constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Head-wrap Laugh

I was hunched over, my lungs expanded and contracted as I quickly tried to catch my breath. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead and saw it drop down to the cracked rubble of the tan track floor. I stood up straight, still holding my side where the throbbing pain ceased to ease. I took off my glasses and rubbed the sweat from my face with my forearm. I placed my glasses back on and looked around; the gray bleachers were empty, reflecting the bright sun into my eyes. There was no one else on the track but my PE teacher and me. The rest of the class had already finished their mile run and went to the lockers to get changed. Mr. Smith quickly jotted down my mile run of thirteen minutes and eight seconds on his clipboard. I had just failed the quarterly mile run in PE…for the third time this year.

Mr. Smith had his usual outfit on: athletic sneakers with black high calf socks, faded short-shorts and a white polo. He was about half a foot taller than me with graying hair and a bold mustache. He looked down at me and shook his head.

“C’mon Rick, don’t you have any self-respect? I know you can do better than this. You have got to try harder.”

It became second nature to just tune him out after hearing the first three seconds. I hated hearing this lecture. It never changes. I already knew what he was going to say. Mr. Smith has been my PE teacher for 3 years now, and he used the same monologue every time I fail my mile run every quarter. I stood there quietly and looked up past his ear to the blue, cloudless sky behind him. It made it look like I was paying attention as I nodded my head every few seconds.

After he finished rambling about health in the long run, he dismissed me and left for the changing room lockers. I slowly followed behind him and walked along the black, hardened tar towards the lockers as the ground slowly cooked the soles of my sneakers. I stared at my lumpy shadow as the sun’s rays reflected from the floor to my face. The rusted latch squeaked as I opened the door to the locker room. The sweaty musk of the humid air and urine pierced my nose as I entered. Just about everyone had their backpacks on and had already changed out of their PE clothes, ready to leave. I preferred it this way anyway. I always felt uncomfortable changing in front of everyone. Sometimes, I felt like some of the guys stared at how my belly engulfed my belt buckle or how my thigh fat created a small wave when I’d try to slip into my pants. I waited a few more minutes to change as I scanned the room. There were a few guys huddled together talking next to the adjacent bench a few yards away. A guy wearing a muscle shirt and blue jeans picked up his backpack, getting ready to leave. I noticed how his biceps bulged as he flung it over his shoulder. He was short and wide, but looked incredibly strong. I envied his flat stomach as the group walked and talked past me. I quickly undressed and changed realizing that I was the only one still in his PE shorts. The faster I changed, the less time people saw me. It is best they don’t take a good look at what’s underneath, I thought to myself.

The after school bell rang, ending sixth period and releasing all of Bosco High’s students from their classrooms. The sea of heads all varying in height bobbed up and down as I spotted my locker past the hallway outside, next to the front gate of the school. I weaved my way past the crowd of students, the methodic push and shove against the student body became a necessary skill to make your way around. There were so many people in my way! It was already hard enough for me to make my way around everyone. Couldn’t you have just made a giant circle and talked with all your friends outside the narrow hallway? People are just so inconsiderate sometimes. Annoyed at how long it took to squeeze pass the crowd, I finally made it to my top locker. Kristy, the girl who owned the locker next to mine, had her cell phone out and was talking unreasonably loud. “Oh my God! Aren’t you so excited? Tonight’s going to be so awesome! Trust me, he is so cute, plus I saw him at the gym the other day. His abs are smokin’!” “I bet the guy is totally cocky and would only talk about himself. Nothing’s going to happen between them anyway.” I thought. It seemed like everyone was hurrying up to meet with someone and go and do something. Well… not me. Lying on the leather couch next to the air conditioning vent with my PSP and a chilled Coke sounded quite appealing at the moment.

I laid my backpack below my feet as I reached my top locker and entered my combination. I struggled for a few minutes turning the dial to the right numbers; the sunlight had faded the grooves of the numbers and my pudgy fingers blocked my view of my number pad. When I finally managed to open my locker, I slammed the door open in my frustration. The locker door reverberated against the shut locker next to it; my magnet mirror hanging on the inside fell to the ground with a shatter. Anger swelled inside me. I never really liked looking at that mirror anyway; I didn’t need it nor did I ever use it. I irritably stuffed my double pocketed Jansport shoving my books inside like a boxing glove hitting its mitt. My shoulders felt the weight of my four AP text books as I strapped my bag on my back.

I walked past the school’s main gates, my assorted collection of lead pencils rattling against my pencil case with each step. A cloud of exhaust fumes blew towards my face as each car revved pass. I saw Larry, our school’s lineman drive off in his truck with two other cars trailing behind, a Scion TC and a faded black Acura. “Whoo! Beach trip!” one of the guys yelled, sticking out his head from the window of the TC. I heard a few girls laugh inside the car.

I walked towards my usual destination after school, the bus stop. The bus bench was crowded with people waiting. The bench had no open seats and there were a lot of people standing around. It was next to an overflowing garbage can and had a thin plastic roof and three dirty walls holding it up. The two side walls were fading in color. The walls had scratched and Sharpie graffiti on top of the movie advertisements. One side read “Ninja Assasin” with the letters written in a bloody, bold font and a crouching ninja holding a sword. The action and nerdy theme of ninjas appealed to me, but I didn’t have a job or the money to go watch it anyway. “That’s the dumbest, most redundant title for a movie I’ve ever heard anyway. I bet the story will be overly cliché with poor foreign acting,” I thought to myself angrily. I sat down on the dirty cement floor and rested my back against the movie ad that provided me some shade. I overheard a small group of band geeks that were sitting on the bench. They all bought concert tickets for Weezer. “I heard they suck live anyway. Who would want to go see them?” I said to myself sarcastically.

I sat there a while longer, waiting for that old OCTA bus to come pick us up. I wished I had a car; it really sucked not having one, since I was probably the only senior in school that didn’t have a permit yet. My older sister took the extra car to college with her, so I didn’t have one to practice with. She and I had a four year age gap, so she couldn’t pick me up or drop me off from school not since I entered high school anyway. Mom was never available to pick me up. She worked as a nurse and had some obscure work hours, even during weekends. Dad worked from home attempting to sell life insurance to the elderly over the phone, and with no means of my own transportation, I, of course, had to wait next to a smelly bucket of garbage just to get home. Life was just great.

The bus eventually got to our stop in front of the school. I boarded, flashed Daryl, the bus driver, my bus pass and sat at my usual spot. My spot was a smaller and shorter row than the rest of the seats on the bus because it was behind right behind Daryl next to the fire extinguisher and first aid kit. It fit me and my backpack quite snugly, allowing me the pleasure of not having to share with anyone. The bus route was just as monotonous as ever. The sharp stop and go movement, the same humid bus, same street, same route, same house, same everything. It has never changed. After a good fifteen minutes, the bus finally dropped me off to the front of my house. I climbed up the patio steps to the front door. I dug my pocket for my keys, awaiting the air conditioned breeze of my house. Quickly rushing through the door I immediately unlaced my shoes and tossed it over to the shoe-rack in the corner. Peeling my backpack from my moist back, I dropped it on the carpet floor with a loud thud. I plopped myself on the cool leather couch and closed my eyes, facing the ceiling vent as it blew its cool air on my face.

The living room was cool and empty as always. My house always had lots of free space. I felt like my voice could echo into my dad’s office down the hall. I glanced across the room towards the AC thermostat which read seventy-three degrees, just the way Dad likes it. I checked the TV, flipping through channel after channel for a minute or two and made my way to the kitchen once boredom set in.

The fridge was the only part of the house that was almost never bare. I took out the big tub of my mom’s specialty, barbecue beef ribs. The refrigerator was always packed with leftover food since Mom was hardly ever home to cook. When she was home, she’d cook up a storm and make sure Dad and I had enough food to last us weeks. After some prep-work I sat in front of the TV with my TV tray, a plate full of freshly microwaved ribs, stacked as high as my index finger, and a side plate of biscuits, complimented by a tall glass of ice-chilled Coke.

As I slobbered my way through the ribs, I thought about my mom who took so long to prepare and cook this heavenly meal. I bet she had taken hours making this batch; and I planned to devour it in about fifteen minutes. With each bite of the ribs, the more and more I wanted to keep chewing. I picked up my Coke with both of my greasy hands, making sure nothing spilled and not a drop of it was wasted as I poured it down my throat. On the TV screen, the Ninja Assassin trailer started playing. A picture of my empty wallet flashed in my head for a brief moment, followed by my thought of means of transportation to the theatre. I broke off a piece of my biscuit and dabbed it on the side of my sauce plate, which was filled with barbeque sauce, making sure nothing would be going to waste. As I stuffed my mouth, my thoughts drifted to my PE teacher. “Don’t you have any self-respect?” With each thought I eagerly bit down on the meat as I felt the sauce drip to the side of my mouth down to my chin. I thought of the band geeks forming close bonds as they spread the latest school gossip on the bus ride to the concert. With each bite of my ribs I started making grunting sounds of pleasure as I continued with my meal. Some of the meal’s sauce had reached the tip of my nose and spewed down below my wrist to my once sweaty forearm. I started to eat faster and I bit down vigorously, more and more with each bite. I imagined the football team and their girlfriends throwing around the Frisbee on the beautiful sand, laughing their heads off without a care in the world. “Oh man! These ribs taste great!” I exclaimed. Even though the taste had grown to be nothing new to me, I continued to eat because the food happened to be right in front of me. I ate with more force with each and every bite, eating as if this were my last meal. I ate like there was nothing else in this world, nothing but me, my own thoughts, and this lonely TV tray of food. I felt myself closing my eyes as I ripped off the shreds of meat stuck towards the side of the bone. With grease and sauce slathered all over my face, I sucked on the tips of the bone, requesting more flavorful sauce to entertain my mouth.

I wished that people praised me at school for being the genius who passed all his AP tests, I thought to myself. My thoughts turned to daydreams. The whole school had an awards ceremony in my honor and lifted me up, chanting my name. As four of the football jocks were about to lift me up and put me on their shoulders, they struggled to place me on their shoulders and fell down as I crashed upon them with my weight crushing their backs. I opened my eyes and found that some brownish, red blotches had stained my glasses. I had finished about half my plate in about 5 minutes. I was full, yet I still continued to eat, forcing myself to devour what I had already started. The TV tray became a mess; my smudged and greasy fingerprints pasted on the glass cup of Coke like evidence in a crime drama on TV.

My dad emerged from his isolated office and entered the living room. He was on his way to the kitchen with an empty glass in hand. Dad was wearing his casual tennis shorts and white t-shirt that accentuated his strong upper build. He was about my height, or maybe an inch or two taller than me, I just happened to weight sixty-five pounds heavier. His black, wavy hair parted at the side framed his face quite well where his beard shadowed his once handsome, now moderately creased face. He looked down at my messy TV tray with a pile of bones on the tray itself and about eight more pieces of ribs left. I slowly looked up at him, body tense, greasy fingers separated and arm floating in the air, glasses smeared and crooked sitting on my nose. Dad balled his empty hand into a fist. I saw his knuckles turn white, his biceps bulged and his upper body shook a little. He set his cup down on top of the TV.

“What are you doing?” Dad said crossing his arms. “You’re a mess!” he said in a slow and inflamed tone of voice. I could tell he was trying to control his anger but it always projected in his voice. I was quite familiar with this tone. My father was either really angry with me or he wanted me to do something the “proper” way and to go do it again. “I was going to clean everything up when I finished eating.” I argued.

“That’s besides the point! What’s the matter with you? Why are you eating again? Didn’t you eat lunch at school today?”

“Yeah, I did eat lunch at school today…” I said in a low murmur, “but it was only a little bit! And I get hungry every 4 hours! You know that…” I looked down and to the side of the carpet floor as I finished my sentence in a lowering tone. It was true; I ate a pizza slice around noon at the school cafeteria. Dad tried to use his breathing technique that his anger management class taught him. His chest unmistakably moved up and down with slow deep breaths through his flared nostrils. Dad had struggled with his anger problems for years now, ever since I was young; Mom always got mad at Dad when he’d get out of hand or cause a scene in public. I was pretty scared of my father growing up. His anger flares would come up every now and then, but significantly decreased as I grew up along with a few anger management courses.

“It’s barely 3:48! Are you kidding me?” He said as he glared at the clock behind me. “Your over-eating is getting way out of hand! Use your head a bit. Look at what you are doing to your body. Look at what you are eating too! You didn’t even eat any of the steamed peas and carrots mom had in the refrigerator.” That was also true; I purposely overlooked the Tupperware full of green and orange. My stomach hung out, my hands and face a mess. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked down at the floor once again while my dad continued to lecture me in a slow yet towering tone. This isn’t the first time I’d heard this toned-lecture before. Dad’s just having another anger fit, I have to bear with it and let the storm blow over. He grabbed my plate and threw away everything into the garbage. “You have to start making smarter choices about your diet. You need to eat healthier too! I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this. When will it sink in?” My dad stormed off into the backyard, slamming the door behind him.

I picked up my soda and quickly finished it. I felt even more full as I took the last few gulps of my drink. My stomach felt like a cannon ball and my insides felt slow. I was upset with myself for getting my dad angry again. I felt annoyed with myself; I felt like a failure of a son. I felt like a failure in life, that the things in life that made me happy were bad for me or I just couldn’t attain it. I felt restricted in this house, this lifestyle, this body. It has limited me from doing everything that makes me happy. Sometimes, I just want to make my Dad happy.

I quickly wiped down the tray to appease my Dad, showing him I actually do more around the house than just eat. I put the dishes in the dishwasher and felt my fingers still full of oil and grease. With my hands over the sink, I rinsed my hands with soap, paying much attention to clear all the grease from every crevice under my nails and every line on my palms, like getting rid of all the evidence of my crime. As I washed my hands, my father’s words rang through my head. “You have to make smarter choices…Look at yourself, you’re a mess… You need to eat healthier.”

“I’ll show Dad. I can eat healthier,” I said to myself. “I do more than just eat. If it’s healthy he wants, I can give him that!” In the span of thirty minutes, I tidied up the kitchen, washed my dishes, and took out the trash. After my little cleaning marathon, I took and peeled a banana that was lying on the counter top next to the sink. Feeling pretty content with myself, I took a few bites in the kitchen and lounged around the house. I walked past my father’s office once or twice, hoping he would notice me through the door. His door was slightly ajar. I peered in and saw all his paperwork on top of his desk piled high to his eyes if he sat up straight. The papers swamped him, like they could swallow him whole while his head was down in a single swoop. His office was just like the rest of the house, with only the bare necessities to furnish and keep the room functional. Motivational posters were taped on the wall and his office phone was next to his pencil holders, hole punchers and staplers. He was too engrossed with his work to notice my presence. I popped the door open, banana in hand. “Hi Dad,” I voiced casually with a rather relaxed look on my face. I leaned on the opened door against the wall with a somewhat half body pose and I loftily rolled my eyes towards his office view window of our backyard. I took a bite of my banana with my shoulders laid back; I used my peripherals to gauge my dad’s reaction.

“What the hell!” My Dad slammed his fist on his desk. All the papers vibrated, I felt the ground utter a small quake. My jaw dropped, half full with banana mush. “Didn’t I just tell you to stop eating?” My heartbeat skipped, and then started to drum faster. Dad stood up and threw the first thing he could find on his desk. My eyes widened as I saw his hole-puncher fly through the air, missing my right shoulder as I instinctively arced my back over like a hunchback. My banana fell to the carpet floor; I ducked into a ball with my hands over my head. “What is your problem!” he stood up and hurled his stapler, its metal edge poked my right side. “Ah!” I screamed. This isn’t why I ate the banana; I thought it’d make him happier knowing I was trying to eat healthier. Wet drops fell from my eyes to my glasses, causing my vision to blur. My eyes watered more with each word my dad yelled; it hurt more so than the actual jab on my side. My dad’s face flushed red, fueled by anger as he looked down on me with such disdain as he stood behind his desk. His obese son didn’t really listen to a word he said, not now, not thirty minutes ago. It hurt to be a failure…again. I honestly tried to do my best and come up with good ideas, but I always fall short. I hated myself for being such a loser! I left the room and my father’s screams behind me, sobbing.

I immediately ran into my room, back pressed flat against the door behind me. My pudgy hands covered my wet, rounded cheeks as I tried to control my breathing. My room was always my hide-away from the all-so-different world. In the world where being skinny went hand-in-hand with beauty, my room was my shell. I felt so different from everybody else, so isolated, so excluded. I purposely locked myself away sometimes. I didn’t want to leave, hoping no one else would find my existence. How could I even confront my dad right now? I put myself in the smallest crevice of my room, behind my bed next to my bookshelf and curled up into a ball. I hugged my knees as tightly as I could; like every pocket of air between me and my body would somehow harm me. My body trembled, my breathing slowed. I had no more tears to let out; my body was running dry. I sat there in the darkness of my room for a good long while and listened to the silence. I just reflected about my day with such pessimism and regret. I thought of things I could have done better or not done. I just sat there and thought about how much I hated life. I hugged myself, my nose tip pressed against my thighs, nostrils blowing exhaust, rippling my oversized shirt. In the process, I sniffed my shirt. It was my own familiar scent, much similar to my room, only with a stronger, more pungent, aroma. My face was sticky from my dried tears, and my shirt had stuck to my back from all the activities of the day. I picked myself up and decided I was in need of a shower.

I walked through the dark hallway to the restroom, not bothering to turn on the lights. I knew my own house well enough, and I felt hidden in the darkness. I only looked down on the dark, stained carpeted floor, not wanting to run into Dad. I locked the door behind me once I entered. “No one would want to see this.” I said to myself in a low murmur. I turned on the light and took my shirt off, back towards the mirror. I turned around to face the mirror after my eyes adjusted to the light. I was curious to see if my image had miraculously changed over night. “I’m not that fat, am I?” I thought to myself. I was at a side-view angle towards the mirror, and my huge gut stuck out like a four month pregnant woman. I sucked in my gut to see if it’d look any better. It appeared flatter, but my chest coned out like small breasts, and the rest of my fat below my belly button just flopped out slightly, overlapping the string of my shorts. It could be easily hidden with a shirt. “If only I could suck it in all day” I thought to myself. I took off my bottoms and took a few steps into the shower, my thighs rubbing each other along the way. Dark brown marks of this constant chaffing were left on my skin. I looked down at myself as the hot water’s steam rose to my face. It seemed like I needed four hands to fully circumference my thighs into a choke.

“I hate you Rick... I hate you…” My thoughts kept repeating themselves over and over again. I felt like crying, but tears wouldn’t come out; the hot steamy air and sound of the falling water masked my silent curses to myself. I rubbed the bar of soap vigorously all over my body, like my centimeters of fat would just come off the harder the scrubbed. I closed my eyes, no longer wanting to look at myself. I was sick of it. I carefully moved the bar of soap over the bruised area of my right side. My hands were moving so fast as I soaped the rest of my body. It pained me emotionally to touch myself. I wanted to get this over with quickly. The bar of soap suddenly slipped out of my hands and it hit the side wall, banked off the ceiling and ricocheted off the front wall. My vision was blurred without my glasses; I took two steps back to try to catch it. The bathtub floor seemed to slip right under me as I rolled backwards. The back of my head hit the corner edge as I fell down. It made a deep thud as my body hit the hard, plastic tub. I felt a sharp pain pierce my nerves as I slumped myself into the tub. My head was spinning and my eyes closed.

I faintly heard my Dad’s voice calling thorough the hollow door, resembling an echo. “Rick! Rick! I heard a loud bang a while ago. The shower’s been running for quite some time now. Are you okay?” I groaned and softly uttered, “I hit my head…” “Rick! I can’t hear you that well, but I’m coming in, okay?” My dad said in a shaky voice. I heard the door handle clanking and rattling. “I’ll be in there in a minute! Just hold on okay?” The screws of the door dropped to the floor and clinked on the floor. I tried to move, but my body felt so weak. I groaned a little bit as the showerhead continually pelted down on my body. Dad finally made his way through the bathroom door and he looked down at me. “No…don’t look…at me…” My last few words were barely audible. With my left hand I did my best to cover my navel and stomach. I slowly moved my right hand from my thigh across, covering my genitals, my arm covered my bruised side.

“Don’t worry about something like that right now, son.” Dad said with a worried face. “You don’t have to worry about that now, just stay right here, I’ll get you something.” He quickly stood up and walked away from the falling water and reached over to the towel rack. He turned off the water and wrapped me up in my beach towel. My vision had been blurred for some time now, the leftover steam from the shower rose to my father’s face.

“Can you sit up?” He asked. I lifted my body up, propping myself up with my left hand as I tried to keep the towel upheld over my body with my right. Dad pushed my back guiding me on my way up. I felt groggy, and the back of my head throbbed. I sat there for a few minutes, eyes closed; my palm covered over my right eye. Dad ran off, and came back with an artificial icepack and a rather large roll of masking tape. He carefully placed it behind the large lump on my head, wrapping the pack around my forehead and taping the icepack down as I held it in place. The world around me was spinning, even though my head was fixated on the pressure of the numbing cold.

I stood up slowly, leaning on Dad like a crutch. The blood surge of pressure intensified the pain for the next few minutes as I did my best to walk over to my bed. I wanted to lie down again, and just be still. I sure didn’t want to try to get up again. It stung a bit putting my head down on my pillow, adding more pressure on the lump, but Dad told me I needed to rest my head on it. The more pressure to help it numb, the better.

“Look son,” Dad said as he sat on my bedside next to me lying down. The room was rather dark, except for the small, dim lampshade next to my desk across the room. “I know things have been really hard on you lately, especially me...I’m sorry,” he said the last few words in a low voice. He broke eye contact with me and looked around the room nervously. “No one likes to be fat.” He paused for a long time, and probably realized the bluntness of his statement. My father was never really the type of father to give lectures. He usually skipped it and went straight to yelling and disciplining. This was the only time I ever recalled my father giving me an actual “talk.”

“It’s hard to be fat is what I’m really trying to say. I can only imagine how hard life is on you. But just keep in mind that if this keeps up, you’ll only struggle more in life and later down the road.” A knot developed over my throat. I wanted to look at my Dad’s face and see his emotion; but I only stared across the room at my basket hamper of dirty clothes. “I just don’t want to see you struggle and live a hard life son, I hope you know that.” He continued. My eyes slowly started to glaze over. I remained silent. “Whatever the case may be, I support you son, and I love you.” He firmly placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. I saw in my watery peripherals that he was looking straight at me. I closed my eyes and burrowed my face into my pillow. I cried there silently to myself, trying not to make loud sniffling noises. With my hot breath against my pillow, I felt my pillowcase absorbing my tears, creating wet spots. My dad just sat there for a few more minutes and silently rubbed my back. Dad left for the kitchen, came back, and placed a cup of water and an aspirin tablet next to my desk.

“Do you need anything else?” Dad asked. I shook my head lightly and managed a half-smile. He quietly left the room, and closed the door behind him. My room was dim and silent, the atmosphere I was used to. I tried to get comfortable knowing that I’d be lying in here for a while. My legs were spread apart, back was eased, pillow was supporting my bruised head, and my hand was lazily tossed, dangling from the side of my mattress. To my surprise, a sharp object poked at my knuckle. I managed to turn my comfortable body on its side and gently rolled my head to find my backpack lying on its side next to my bed. The sharp object was about 2-3 inches long and had managed to somehow intertwine itself with the mesh strapping of my empty water bottle holder. I lazily reached for it and untangled it out to find a shard of my broken mirror from earlier today. I looked at my reflection, my eyes half squinted, half open. I just noticed how comical my head-wrap looked with a bulky, blue icepack and five layers of masking tape wrapped all around my head. I chuckled to myself with a smile. I can’t walk around without a giant, blue brick taped to my head tomorrow. I angled my head slightly to see the taping a little better. I lightly nodded my head with a smirk. “I think I can start a new trend with this! I could use a change in style.” I joked with myself. “I could use a change...” I said as my smile slowly disappeared. I stopped looking at myself and placed the shard on my bed right next to me and gently squeezed it. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

End time: 1:58 am

Friday, October 9, 2009


Current Quote of the Day: "Raise your sail one foot and you get ten feet of wind." ---Chinese Proverb

Current Song of the moment: "Beating Hearts Baby" by Head Automatica

Hey mad props to you if you've ever heard of this band. They are not that well known and kinda hav the punk-indie-rock feel to them. I would post up the real music vid. but it's super weird and i like the way the actual soundtrack sounds than the actual music vid. haha.

In all honesty, I could do better in school. I know i can. But seriously, what pisses me off is that ignorant job hiring ppl put so much emphasis on gpa. Honestly, look at the skills and quality of the person more than GPA! I am doing well in school, im maintaing above a 3.0 I know i could do better, but I don't really want to try that hard to be honest. lol I'd rather enjoy the college life while maintaining the balanced life of friends, life, family, professionalism, and career path/job.

I heard that to make yourself competitive; you need at least a 3.7 to stand out above the rest of the competition. My question is; why not go the easier route(in my opinion of course) and just have a lower gpa but do other stuff that helps you become more competitive like internships, jobs, being on board for clubs. etc. I guess it's not for some ppl ya know? My advice is just choose one route or the other. Book worm or lower gpa and lots of extra-curricular activities. And if you can somehow accomplish both feats, well my friend i tip my hat off to you.(if i was wearing one that is.)

anyway, enuf about that. back to the main issue. I have not been feeling motivated to do hw lately. I'm not normally one to wait till the last minute to do hw and get on stuff. but i guess my body is still telling me that it's on summer time. lol I think this could be that i'm not use to the adjustment of having work, Liwanag, friends, family, and schoolwork all being juggled yet. (how about throwing another ball in there? could i still juggle it all? hahah maybe... for a GF i think i'd be willing to try! : P) i think i got the senor-itis flu. and Im not even a SENIOR yet! eff. lol

I think it might be due to the fact that i am too pre-occupied with other fun stuff i can be doing and improving like: my longboarding skills, Liwanag stuff, SSARC efficiency, family hang outs, building closer ties with GOOD friends, GOD, etc. I always see so much room for improvement, scratch improvement, "growth" in my life. I guess im that type of person that just wants to improve things and makes things better. and my mind is always thinking of how to make random aspects of my life better. I just want to do it all and accomplish it all, but i can't neglect one aspect such as schoolwork. just because it's boring doens't mean i can't push it aside. i needa stay focused. I've never been so unmotivated before and unfocused. haha. oh well.

Oh wellz, i'll manage somehow. I am kinda excited yet been postponing my fiction writing class. I didn't want to start writing a short story yet. I'll get on it tomorrow. lol ask you can see, im just trying to occupy my time and not clean my room or do laundry and am blogging and facebooking. lol. My Econ 122A class, econometrics, supposedly one of the hardest classes offered at UCI is going okay actually. It's tough, but nothing i can't take if i just study hard enuf. I think im getting cuz my TA is freaking bomb. she's so good at teaching the material. mad props to her. I'd rather hear her teach than the professor. haha. and surprisingly, my econ 100C intermediate macroeconomics class sux. I don't like how the professor teaches. We don't deal with numbers really. it's hella conceptual and if we deal with equations, they're all just a bunch of letters with derivations and shizz. put sum daym numbers up there! crap man. lol i was more of a microeconomist than a macroeconomist. heheh

Today i was down with spontaneity. i was chillin with Ray and walking with him to his car and then i ran into Nilo who wanted to ride my longboard. I kiked it at his pad and loosened my trucks a bit. (speaking of which, i need to purchase a skate unit. haha) I can now carve a lot better! man... i love my longboard even more now. rofl. so nilo and i were just cruising and we see my other acquaintance friend brittany Yung. She has a flexdex too and recognizes me. she tags along and we all go cruising around dartmouth and then campus. It was a lotta fun cruising with them on campus. we bombed sum hills(the not tooo steep and too scary ones. lol) So then we met up with Anna Kwon too! we ran into her after getting Wahoo's. It's like today, God told me to strengthen my relationships with my acquaintance friends. haha man today was a good day and so much fun. Just cruising around was so tite! hahah. So she was locked outta her car and we just went to APS, and waited for the guy to come to Jimmy her car. in the mean time, we went garaging! daym man.... going down those steep slopes and carving it out and turning it down the parking garage was soooo exhilarating and sooo sick at the same time. man.... so much fun! it makes me want to buy elbow pads and a helmet and try to learn how to properly carve and turn sharper and get low on my board.... lol sounds crzy intense or wut? hahha. and in retrospect, Nilo and i got shown up. all the girls were much braver than us going down the hills and more ballzy and went faster while Nilo and i were laggin it in the bak trying to keep up. lol kinda funny yet embarassing. heheh. guess we're not as pro as them. give me some time to get good and then i'll be able to keep up with those girls. hahaha.

And just to leave a final thought... I thought this was pretty cool.

I came downstairs this morning when i awoke and saw tito Homer who just came back from early morn. tennis.

tito: hey Ace! how're you doing? How's school?
me: everything's good tito, schools okay and Liwanag seems to be going well. I also like my job.
tito: you have a job now? where do you work at?
me: at the SSARC, the social science academic research center. we help out with resume critques, grad school apps, internship finding and landing, professionalism, My main job title is training and development, very similar to human resources where i make sure the ssarc is run efficiently and there is effective communication with the staff. etc.
tito: wow ace! that's awesome! I'm really happy for you. sounds like things are going great for you right now in your life.
me: yeah... I kinda like where my life's leading me right now *big smile*
tito: now, the only thing you're missing is a girlfriend! *tito lols*
Me: ahaha.... iono about that yet tito... maybe... maybe...


Ace out: 9:30 pm

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I think i'm scared for all the wrong reasons

Current Quote of the Day: “Love never wanted me, but I took it anyway!” ---Fall Out Boy song title: XO from their album :"From Under the Cork Tree"
Currently addicted to the Good Charlotte album "The Young and the Hopeless"
Girls like Boys music video.

The song if you don't want to bother watching it. the vid is pretty funny tho.

So I've been in my punk genre of music as of late. But they don't make punk bands like this anymore. I was just talking to my friend on aim about how all the good punk bands are all dead n gone. but whatevers. Im excited to hear what the new revived phoenix: blink 182 has in store for us. haha. I also kinda wonder how true this song is now-a-days. Do most girls really like guys with fast cars and such? prolly on the materialistic ones? hahaha and if a guy has a crush on a girl, would he be willing to force a laff for her? buy everything for her? sacrifice almost anything for her? haha crzy man.

So I know it's normal to be scared concerning matters of the unknown. Like, anyone is scared of anything they do not know or understand. It's human nature. But for once, I think I have a good feeling of where this risk will lead me, but i am scared about the end result. haha eff it.. enuf being vague. lol cuz i sux at it and i know it'll just confuse you guys hahaha

So I've considered this for a while now. More than a month or two for sure. I asked myself if I should ask this girl out. I mean, she is such an awesome and beautiful young lady. She knows how to have fun, has quite a distinct personality, hangs out with good people, doesn't get too crazy doing crazy stuff if you know wut i mean and i mean, i find her to be quite pretty in her own unique way. haha. she's within my age gap. Not too old or young. She is quite talented in a few areas. she just seems like the type of girl that i'd want to get to know more ya know?

But what's holding me back you ask? There are a few things. I know from what i say from this point on might totally change the way you see me, but wutevers. ima be genuine here and share how i really feel about this situation.

What's holding me back(in no particular order of strength):

  1. She is too Catholic---Now i know what you are thinking. Are you kidding me?!?!? what's wrong with that? lol normally even i'd say that's a good thing. But to be honest, I am worried about how dating or getting with her would affect my relationship with God. I am currently complacent with my relationship and growth rate with God. I've heard before that it is really bad to be complacent with your self and your relationship with God, but i see it as a complacent growth rate with God. Im not learning about Him too fast or too slowly, just right. And i feel like if i do start to date or be with this individual, it'd hav to accept all for what she knows and understands and i feel like i might get smoothered and might be turned off a bit from all that goodness. Im not sure if you can relate or understand. Im not really sure if I wrote that in a way where you could understand it but yeah. It'd def be a change in lifestyle with the way I see/learn about God and the way i will learn about god will be in such a faster rate that what i'd like.
  2. You know, i always wanted a girl who was outside liwanag, outside UCC, for that matter. This might sound bad or vulgar to some of you but my ate told me this quote once. "everybody wants a girl on the streets but a freak in the sheets"(i apologize if this offends some of you.) but it's kinda true tho isn't it? Doesn't every male want that? I mean, this girl for me is the ideal girl you can take home to mom and dad and she is beautiful too but what about the latter half? then again, maybe i shouldn't pass judgement so quickly. I don't know her that well. Should i just ask her out and see where it takes me? sounds hella risky haha.
  3. I'm enjoying my "single-tude" Sherry and Thelma made this word up and i like it and have been using it. Haha. at the moment, Im enjoying my freedoms as a single bachelor. haha. I've been focused on studies... kinda sorta.... I hang out with my family a decent amount, I can focus on God when i want to with plenty of room to spare for LOG, I am focused with Liwanag, and making a good effort to keep and strengthen ties between good friends and creating new ones, and I am actually working towards my career in professionalism with my new job at the SSARC. Now the question that arises is, do i really need to add in another variable to the balance? I feel like I'm doing my best in all areas of my life, and if i add in a gf/dating to the mix, how will that affect everything else and the girl? My rule of thumb is never "shortchange" anyone or anything. If you cannot give it your all 100% wholeheartedly, then do not undertake the endeavor. Why do it when you know you can do so much better if you were more focused and had more time? You'd just frustrate yourself knowing that things can be improved and things can be so much better right? I enjoy my lifestyle now, so why change?
  4. Cut freedoms: I know this might sound selfish, but what about my own time too? If i reduce the amount of free-time i have to myself, iono how i will function. haha With a girl, iono I'd want to spend my freetime with her right? I feel like this section is a combo of part 1 and 2. I feel like by dating this girl, i won't be able to do the things i want to do. I feel like she would restrict me because of her Catholic-ness. I feel like she'll tell me to supress certain urges, stop my tendencies/habits, and just limit myself overall. And of course i'd want to change for the better for her and for myself ya know? But do i want to change? am i ready to change yet? I don't know man. then again, will she limit me or will she let me run off and do my own thing?
I'm also hella shy/nervous when i talk to her. hhahah. But honestly i dont know if im scared to see where this takes me, or if im just scared about dating a really great catholic girl? I feel like im just thinking about this too much now and i shud just do it. but what about everything else going on in my life?

"she's a great girl! this could be your one and only shot with her! go for it!"

"Focus at the task at hand before everything crumbles, live and enjoy the life you are living now."

As a friend once asked me "What if finding the love of your life meant changing the life that you love?"

Is that some deep doo-doo or what? Man i took a long time writing this blog. lol

Ace Out

End time: 2:11am

Saturday, September 19, 2009

She's so beautiful...

"Current song of the moment: Amber by 311

Current Quote of the Day:
"Did you know that when you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes?" ---Bakemonogatari the anime.

Today was a great day, all i woke up not hungover from the party i went to last nite, i ate at my ate's pad in riverside, and i went to my Erwinator's picnic thing at the park, we played a lotta ball, but im kinda sad i didn't get to hit with Brentz sum tennis. maybe another time. It sux having a jacked up ankle. i can't play my best and it sux in general just knowing that you can do so much better than what ur doing now, but you can't do anything about it because something(my ankle) is holding you bak. I was hearing from a lotta ppl that even once ur ankle fully heals up. it's very much likely/possible for it to be a reoccuring injury. that got me kinda sad. oh well. well, we after the picnic, we ate at this really awesome sushi place called Sushi Imari off of bristol. It was awesome. food was good, and the service was top notch. got to be one of the best places to have really great cheerful waiters and chefs. Erwinator got 3 free rolls, a free whip cream chocolate cake with a candle, and a bunch of to go chocolate cakes to go just cuz it was his birthday! how freaking awesome is that. they give away a lotta free stuff when we eat there. haha. if anybody's down, we should go hit that place up again someday.

so, the party i went to the night before, it was pretty swt. it wasn't an average party like the Liwanag ones cuz this party had the sorority ppl. going from UCR n like... a lotta stuff that shouldn't be said on this blog went down. lol that's all ima say. there was a DJ, 2 beer pong tables, a pool, and lots of dark crevices for couples to sneak off to if you know wut i mean. it was soooo chill to kik it with some friends that i haven't really seen or talked to in a while. But what is interesting is seeing what some of your old friends would do when they've had a few drinks in em. and also what they're up to now what they did at the party, and the kinds of habits they've picked up...and what future path's they'd like to lead. Let's just say that i had a good time, but the more i go to these types of parties, the more i appreciate just simple kik baks with a handle full of friends that i trust. hahah i guess i was never really into going to these types of raging parties to be honest.

But there was one particular girl at the party. This girl, i've known since highschool and we've had a past, you could say... haha. well, we used to like each other, but we always liked each other at the wrong times. and nothing ever happened. *sigh* But seriously, she has got to be one of the most prettiest girls i've ever met. Absolutely beautiful and knows how to have a good time(but not toooo tooo crzy, hahaha) , great personality, athletic in certain sports, and not to mention the most prettiest smile that could make me melt. She is currently taken rite now, and that's cool.

But she approached me at the party talking about bf problems and him being over-protective. I sat down, talked with her and gave her advice. Honestly, this isn't the first time i've played this role before where i help out someone with their current relationship problem that's happening right at the party. I actually don't mind helping people out and giving them my advice. I like doing so cuz it makes me feel like i did something good and that they like the things that i have to say. it makes me feel somewhat important. but this case was a bit different because this girl happened to be an old crush. we were dancing a bit on the dance floor...she held my hand to drag us to a spot where we could talk a bit, we talked with our faces very close to each other, and when i look at her eyes... it feels so deep and endless. when i was giving her a talk/advice, i'd be lying if i said that playing the home-wrecker card never crossed my mind. i could have easily gave her the wrong advice to this vulnerable old crush of mine. did i do so? no... a little small part of me wanted to be a home-wrecker, but i didn't. At one point, i honestly thought about kissing her, but of course, i didn't. And when i was leaving the party and making my round of bye's i saw her talking to her BF and i said bye to both of them, while the BF was saying bye to my sister, she gave me a hug bye, and in that hug she concealed a kiss on the neck... daym, she makes my heart flutter, she always does.

i went home that night, saying to myself that i did the right thing. and the quotes that came to mind were: "nice guys sure know how to finish last! lol and also that one quote that goes "if something is meant to be it will come back around" they do come back around right? lol i have no idea. I'd just like to think so. and then the other famour quote..."what if..." hahaha what if for HS and what if for last nite. ; P but seriously, i think the BF is a really chill guy, but it's always that questions of who'd be a better BF? lol jk jk. In any case, i think i've blabed enuf about this topic. hahah. sry if that was boring for you reader(s).

In any case, i think i used up my remainder of my summer pretty well, it was sooo effing short, but yeah. it was still fun for the days i had left without summerr school. anywayz thx for reading!

End time: 10:46

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Liwanag Core 1-Day retreat

Current song of the moment: Lift Up Your Hands By God

Current Quote of the Day: "Being ruined for life, cuz im addicted to serving" ---Brentz and "What is your LOGstory?" ---Angie Amador

Just a real quick blog, the LOG core 1 day retreat was freaking bomb. I luved it sooo much. I really believe it gave me that push, it was just what i needed to feel more confident about the year. I really do feel spiritually recharged and more passionate about serving than ever. I feel like me and my LOG core can take on any obstacle thrown at us rite now and i am truly excited for this upcoming year.

Just real quick, if you are a LOG alumni reading this, Thanks You soooooo much. yesterday was just amazing. I know Angie worked really hard preparing and having everyone collaborate together to makes things go so great yesterday. and all the alums did an excellent job with all their parts with all their talks and advice and wisdom. Everything was top notch. I also felt like i really needed to go to confession yesterday too. it was well worth it. do i feel closer to God? Yes. i most definitely do. But of course, there is always more room for imporvement.

Just a few ending notes: Gerard Anacleto(the founder of Liwanag, his presence yesterday alone shows how supportive and dedicated he is to this youth ministry and also made me feel important the retreat was yesterday and very much affected the overall attitude of the retreat.) wrote a small prayer for me. And what he wrote down really made my day. He said "Somehow, i had no doubt that you would one day be one of the Liwanag core leaders. It was evident from the beginning the love and dedication you have for service..." the founder himself wrote that! for me. i was really overjoyed that he affirmed me and said that to me. i was also truly moved at what my other brothers and sisters in Christ wrote for me. There is also one other line that really sticks out to me. He wrote down "you have the heart of a champion and the soul of a child." I was also very moved by that affirmation. Just... Thank you so much Julian for that statement.

In short, to all the alumni, i hope i can one day, pay it forward to all you guys for what you have done of Liwanag, the precedence you have set for us, and the impact/mark you have left on me. I cannot thank you all enough. I'll most definitely keep you in my prayers always.

---end time : 11:45pm

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Life/Summer is good

is good for the time being anyway. lol : P

Current song in my head: Misfit by Elefant

A very indie and not so well known band, but i am soooo into this song. no joke. haha.
(I apologize for those who feel that this music video is to sexually explicit, you can just listen if you like. but then again... Im not complaining : P lol)

Current quote of the day.

"Only brave warriors fall from their horses in battle. How can kneeling cowards know what it is to fall?"
---Monsoon Wedding

This is a Bollywood movie shown in my Globalization class i took. I was surprised at how much i actually liked the movie. Good comedy. hehe.

I really like this quote rite now cuz i am so high on life at this current moment that i had to document it somehow. Im in a super good mood just to let you guys know. I am in the mood to just be like, yeah eff it lez, just do it. try this! do that! What if this? etc. hahaha but then again, those questions can lead to good or bad situations.

So as of right now, i know my passion for blogging has dwindled significantly. I think it just takes up too much of my time for my like in which i'd rather be doing something more rewarding in my opinion. Im not sure if that statement made sense to you but... yeah. So far, AL, Steve Forton and i think (im not too sure) Jem has asked me how come i haven't been blogging. i totally stopped, but oh wells. I honestly got tired ofwriting and it took away a lotta my time where i could had been doing more productive and/or entertaining activities/hobbies. today feels like an exception day though where i just had to document this somehow. haha.

Just to keep this brief as i can, life is good. I am thoroughly enjoying life. I feel like I am at a great part of my faith, I had an AWESOME family, GREAT friend, (and still developing friends esp. over summer.) and school... could ALWAYS be better, but im doin alirte. But most importantly, i am having fun this summer. More fun than that one summer in high school where i snuck out of the house late at night for like a good month or two. lol that's another story for another time tho.

Just to document/catch up for those who do not know (or for me when i look back at my old blog and want to reference what i was up to in the summer of 09) I bought a longboard about 2 months ago and i am loving it, i also bought my kuya one too. I love my new hobby. i am training for the SSARC over the summer for my job for the upcoming academic year. GSA finished up last summer Session. and it was fun, altho my grades took a bit of a hit, but it's all good. only one class and one C+. (In the big picture, it's not that bad.) I am no longer part of UCC. On the upside, I am in Liwanag core and I like it so far... lets see what else happens. lol and as of right now, im on decent if not GREAT terms with my family and friends.

So yesterday and today(which was the main reason why i wanted to blog today) have been so bomb! I know this might seem really insignificant to some, haha but like, i enjoyed my days yesterday and todoay. I woke up friday with no class, showered, played tennis wit Brentz, ate luncheon at California Fishgrill with AL and Brentz (WOOT! third wheel all the way! ((i could have easily been a fifth wheel at that too, another couple could have joined. lol)) ), chilled at Christians pad and played Brawl, got some awesome home cooked meal by the Iron Chef Hazel Eng, played board games with a great group of friends, went home, bonbded with Christian with videogames, anime, and stories, slept at 3am or later, woke up at 7:15am, went to Hunington Beach with ate may and kuya sonny for a Beach company clean up for my kuya's work, cleaned the beach by picking up trash (i felt like i did a good thing today. lol), then My kuya and i longboarded on the sidewalk for a good 45 min, (so much fun!), ate at California Fishgrill again cuz Brentz got me addicted, lol, then went to dollar theatre and chilled there with ate may reading her books, kuya and i cruising around on our longboards, (this is a great date place btw. Mental note to self, if i ever date a girl who longboards, we're gonna be cruising around the lake near Dollar Theatre. lol) played a lil bit of viet pusoy dos. and then watched star trek at dollar theatre. and came home and crashed on my lappy.

^--- sorry for all the commas, i overkilled the commas in that long paragraph rite?


am i livin the good life? It sure feels like it. I wish everyday of summer was just like this. haha. Good friends, close family, good times. Great day, for realz. hahaha.

well, i intended this blog to be as short as possible, but with me, i always try my best to convey the message as best as i can, but i never end up being concise. hahah Brentz, Hazel or Ray-Ray!(the uci humanities major ppl) critique my blogs and edit it to transform my blogs into gold. Lol.

anyways, Im dun. over n out! "Live long and prosper." LOl the nerd in me comes out.

End time: 7:53 pm

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I got my laptop back!

Current Song of the Day: "Day N' Nite" Original by Kid Cudi

Current Quote of the week: "The truth is rarely pure and never simple." ---Oscar Wilde

Im not too sure, but i really have a thing for these types of music vids. I really like the artwork and how they incorporate it into their song. So artistic and unique in it's own way. there is also the Justice music video DANCE. that is still my favorite music video, but this one by kid cudi really reminds of that vid. enjoy it. this song has been stuck in my head for a whole week now. haha

So i finally got my laptop back. I really feel like it's a blessing to have a laptop; and i shouldn't take it for granted. I also feel like God did this to me on purpose. I prayed for me to do better with my schooling, cuz i felt like i was losing touch and falling out esp. wit my grades. so God took away my laptop, and i learned how to be independant and on top of things again. Learn how to manage my time better. With my laptop gone, i was forced to do more work and became more focused cuz i always had to use the cpu at engineering, and by me not having my laptop, it created for me the opportunity to plan my day out, and use the cpu to do my hw promptly with a set schedule. thank u Lord for answering my prayers.

Gerard's B-day party was a lotta fun. my saturday was just great as a matter of fact. woke up late. showered, met up with joyce and jordan, and we shopped at Spectrum for Gerard's bday present, then wen to Anaheim and partied. lol i think wut made me most happy tho was Gerard's face wen he opened up the present joyce jordan and i got him. I can tell he really liked it. For me, there is such great satisfaction in seeing other ppl. open up and love the presents i giving. the satisfaction of giving. It feels great. it makes me happy and the person i give it to happy too. overall, my saturday was a great saturday, a Great saturday that i haven't had in a long time.

I got a new phone! Awe snapz, im sooooo fricken excited. woot. and ima hav internet capabilities too! wowz. hehe. so in exchange for having the internet plan in our phone bill, we had to lower our min. so i can't talk as much as i used to. but yeah. im excite! LG Dare check it out. isn't it sexy? lol

I would have spent that money i used for my fone for a longboard, but i had too buy my cell first cuz i didn't want to waste my internet fam plan we're getting. so that long board will have to wait. darn it all! haha

well, i think that's all for today. im happy. and im getting better. in a way, i feel myself growing. (in more ways than one) haha that's kinda weird for me to say. but yeah. take care everyone!
= D

End Time: 2:49

Friday, February 27, 2009

I miss my laptop!

Current Song of the moment: "Golden" by Fall Out Boy (my favorite band! : )

Current Quote of the moment:

"It is only the great men who are truly obscene. If they had not dared to be obscene, they could never have dared to be great."
Havelock Ellis

English sexual psychologist (1859 - 1939)

I really liked the quote above. Although it talks about obscenity, i feel like if you replace the word obscene with risky or bold; it provides a whole new meaning, (for me anyway.)

So my laptop is gone again. darn it all. Geek squad shipped it out. Last week, i restarted my laptop and it tried doin a windows vista update, the status bar stopped moving on the third and last update, and then it would just restart on me. my laptop wouldn't boot. i was pretty sad. I really hope that my harddrive isn't jacked up. i have so much information and notes on there, i'd b really sad.

So i must apologize once again for the long blog. I wanted to write in smaller incriments, but things that i wanted to write about just stacked up since i dont' have my laptop with me anymore. so im writing this in engineering gateway.

So as most of you might already know, Fall Out Boy is one of my favorite rock bands ever. I really like them. I think one great thing about this band that is often neglected is their lyrics. I used to be the type of person that didn't really care about lyrics. All that mattered to me was the beat and the way the song sounded. but my Ate May really broke me outta that and made me learn to appreciate lyrics more. (She also got me into Fall Out Boy) I wanted to try a lil something different today. I wanted to get song lyrics from one of their songs, and write about it, because i really felt like what they sang about applied to me very much and i felt like i could relate. so here it goes:


How cruel is the golden rule?
When the lives we lived are only golden-plated
And I knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me
Though I carried karats for everyone to see

[The golden rule, sometimes i feel like breaking so many "rules" in my life; things in which i know is wrong, things that i've given ppl. advice not to do, yet my curiosity and my desire still remains. It sometimes feels like torture therefore, the golden rule being cruel. I felt like the lights in the city were too heavy for me, kind of reminds me of how hard life can be sometimes, being overwhelmed with the pressures of life and the stresses of your responisbilities. I somtimes wonder if i got myself too deep. Am I in too deep? way over my head? Though i carried karats for everyone to see... I try to get noticed, i think i do a deccent job. but just because people see you carrying "karats" you may become the jealousy of their eye. Or even get unacknowledged sometimes. You work so hard to carry karats, yet it somtimes goes unoticed.]

And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies
And all the lovers with no time for me
And all of the mothers raise their babies
To stay away from me

[I saw God cry int he reflection of my enemies... God cries at the sins that i commit. My own shadows i see right before my eyes, i do nothing to stop it from growing, the shadow that overpowers me... will it overpower me? Hopefully this Lenton season can give me the opportunity to change that. Im not sure how well i'll do or how much i'll change... but we'll see. "And all the lovers with no time for me..." is kinda self explanitory. there is still jealousy within me. but i'm learning to let go. I can't get my hopes up. i really can't. i can't afford to do this or get hurt. haha getting hurt. this is nothing. it should be nothing, yet it still affects me. "all the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me" reminds me to humble myself. I can be my own monstrous shadow, i need to keep myself on check. I feel like a monster when i sin. It's definitely hard. But it's def. a work on progress]

Tongues on the sockets of electric dreams
Where the sewage of youth drowned the spark of my teens
And I knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me (too heavy for me)
Though I carried karats for everyone to see (everyone to see)

[I'm applying for many internships and possible jobs for the next academic year and summer internships, but i really am not too sure what i want to do with my life, i get my hopes up, but im telling myself to keep my head leveled and not to let my hopes get too high now. i need to humble myself and bank on possible paths in life, i shouldn't act like it is for certain. and i can't help but feel like my electric dream will be either successful, or am i just setting myself ego up for failure. putting my tongue on an electric socket. And how easy it was back in the day, when we were all still youthful, and naive. Look at all of us now maturing into our own personal individuals. where do we go in lfie what do we do? where do we go from here. I knew that the lights in the city were too heavy for me. Life sure feels weighty sometimes.]

And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies
And all the lovers with no time for me
And all of the mothers raise their babies
To stay away from me

[i already analyzed this part]

And pray they don't grow up to be...

[I like how they end the song with a fill in the blank. so that it feels like it can relate to anyperson in which you makes these lyrics into your own ____ (blank) Whatever monster/shadow you don't want to be, i feel like that's what you put as the last word of this song. ]

So as i previously stated, I've been applying for summer internship positions. Im not too sure how well that is going as of right now, but i hope i do at least get accepted to one internship. hopefully a paid one. I am also interested in working at the SSARC (Social Science Academic Resource Center) next year. I became really interested becase someone helped me tremendously on my cover letter and resume. They edited it for me and provided so much information. I want a future job that helps people and where i can recieve the reward of making a customer happy. I want a job where i have many person to person relations and customer service. I also like public speaking aswell, giving out presentation in a persuasive manner. I'm very excited about this job. It's paid, and the skills i will learn if i get hired are top notch man, and it won't affect my financial aid becuase it considered as work study. I've seen the work environment too because i have passed by the SSARC many times. It just seems so nice and fun. As soon as i found out about this, i kind of became wutevers with internships. (although i am still applying for the summer.) pray for me guys for this one kay? = ]

There is one thing that really bugs me when i work with people. It's when people recieve a title, and they don't act upon it. They dont' have a sense of responsibility or belonging once they recieve that title. I learned in ASB the quote that "Leadership is about Actions not Positions" whatever title you hold doesn't mean jack if you don't uphold your responsibilities and carry out your duties. I get annoyed in group projects where other people carry the weight for the rest of the group. It really does sux. I know schooling is important; but at least make an effort to support, and be there and do what you can. If you become so closed minded and neglect your responsibilities, why did you say yes to the position? do you deserve the position? I have a strong dislike when people recieve "power" yet they do nothing with it nor do they feel a sense of responsibility for group actions.

Here's an example: I used to have a crush on this one girl in high school. she was in ASB with me. there was one thing i didn't like about her. She had responsibilities in ASB, important ones, yet she always put schoolwork waaaaaaay ahead of her ASB and other club responsibilities. i hated it. or maybe i had a strong dislike towards it because she would always not show up to ASB set ups and when it was time to do work, she would asked to get replaced or put schooling at the top of the list. I understand that schoolwork is important, but sometimes there are more important things in life than just schoolwork. but in my opinion. you need a sense of belonging when you accept a responsible position and role. This is what i try to do, put equal distribution of priority to each of my responsibilties. Say for example, my responsiblities are schoolwork, my job, and UCC Core. I wouldn't put schoolwork at the top of my priorities to do list. I would treat all three equally where i would divide my time equally for all three roles and tasks. Instead of doing 2 hrs of schoolwork and 30 min for my job and UCC Core. i would divide it into 1 hr for each. Balance and time management.

If you had a big event planned for your job and you had to help out, and then a midterm the following day, you shouldnt' ask to be excused for your job so you can study for your midterm. You plan accordingly, manage your time wisely, and study 4 days ahead for the midterm, and then 2 days before your job event. you plan for it, and make sure you are there helping out.

Okay, sry guys, i just had to vent that out for a bit.

In any case, this entire week has been a bit packed and stressful, but i somehow made it out alive. i had an internatinoal economics midterm on monday, and an intermediate econ 100A midterm on tuesday. and then Ash Wednesday after that. it was like non stop man. but Ash wednesday was quite rewarding to serve for. I must say. mad shout outz to Huan, he had two midterms the next day, yet he served for 3 ash wednesday masses and the last communion service. He's a trooper man. and so is FJF, he had a bad throat and served for all 5 masses. he truly is a blessing.

So i've been working on a poem... it's not any good. it has potential tho. and i even came up with a short story in mind that might go well with the poem. but this is just all a slow and steady process in the making. I know i am sooo weak sauce compared to joyce, charlene, and Charmaine's poems. so yeah... i don't think my poem can compete, but i'll think about posting it up one day... maybe... haha. wen i feel like it's ready to be posted, and i've edited it to the best of my ability. It's a worki n progress for sure... but yeah. poems and me... iono man. lol.

End time: 11:25 pm

Monday, February 16, 2009


Current Song of the moment: "Lesson in Love" by Danger Radio

Current Quote of the moment: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" and another bonus quote! woot special qutoe blog day lol "There are times in everyone's life when something constructive is born out of adversity... when things seem so bad that you've got to grab your fate by the shoulders and shake it." ~Author Unknown (i forgot where i heard the first quote from, i think it was my freind in Jr. High 7th grade. )

  • We started the retreat off a bit ruff, it was definetly a struggle. getting stuck in the snow with the cars, getting a car locked in, shoveling our way out, not heater or hot water, and running only on four hrs of sleep. so much hard work; yet we all made it through together. Im not going to lie, i was feeling a bit bummed for a bit at the start of the retreat. Morale was quite low.
  • But one of the many ppl who i saw the light of God this weekend at the retreat was Steve Forton. Even though my spirits were low, he would just pop outta nowhere and start singing, and keeping the energy up. Even in the hardships of the snow and all, with the cars, he managed to keep ppl smiling, singing, and staying his ussual and postive upbeat self. it was something i really looked up to and was quite a respectable quality that i wish i had more of. to be able to be full of energy, life, and spirit when faced with adversity is quite a siill. never showed stress nor depression. i wish to be like that one day. that even thru the bad times, i'll still manage to smile thru it all and see it thru with that smile.
  • After getting all the cars stuck outta the snow, we managed to praise a little bit at the LOG cabin in lake Arrowhead. God really gave us a challenge this weekend. Many things didn't go according to plan. But i feel like God put that obstacle in front of us loggers cuz we needed it. maybe we needed something like that because through the adversity, and seeing it all the way thru, we manged to get closer to each other. and maybe God thought that we lacked in that foundation, so he did so and then focused on him after that.
  • I thought it was super cute that all/most of the LOG girls were praying for us as most of the gents were out there helping out diggin out the cars and such. And i really saw all the ugys come together to work hard as a group. So much strenght and responsibility within each of us. Jordan working so hard. Mel and his driving skills. Julian keeping his kool. Steve-man keeping morale up as best as he could. Huan's first retreat with LOG being like this, making hime do labor for a retreat he paid for not once complain about it. a new face RJ helping out and doing everything without complaint. and he barely knew us too! all the other gents down to help out and switch eating and working shifts wen we got tired. etc.
  • and also just seeing the light of god in others who helped us outta the icy roads and helping get our car jimmied. etc. it was just beautiful
  • but after all this unexpected events we really got the momentum goin after we praised and worshiped for a bit at the cabin. Core made a smart and executive decision to leave and spend the rest of the retreat at Shawshank. things eventually picked up and it turned out great. despite all that, we managed to enjoy ourselves and had a great retreat. God truly blessed us at this retreat. The cherry on top of the retreat was the follow up at interfaith with all the wonderfull and mad support from the alums. that was sooo awesome to see them all and talk to them all. i really do miss the alums man.
  • one of the major things i learned in this retreat was what Anna said in our discussion about measuring Love. it was such a mature statement. it made me realize that i shouldn't measure love. i kinda of thought that i what i do for someone, they should recipricate the amount of love i show them. if i put 50% of love to a person, i expect 50% back from them. but love should NOT be determined and measured by how much i want to put in and how much i want to recieve froma particular person. it's not about that. Love that you show should be all genuine and coming fromthe heart because you care and you want to express that love and compassion within you.
  • I just wanted to thank the big Guy up there for everything this weekend. It was truly special and a growing experience and mad shout outs to LOG for making it happen and all this possible.
Did someone say Love Triangle?
  • well, maybe its more like a "crush triangle" lol. Me having a big crush on a girl, and seeing the girl that im interested in, interested, talking, and just seeing the blosoming of something more to come with another guy that isn't me. and that other guy happens to be a good friend i know. It was interesting feeling... it's pretty funny tho.
  • i mean, if they are both happy, im not gonna do anything. just as long as they are happy if somehting does happen between them. but it felt like... its so hard to describe how i felt. i think this is the best way i can describe it...In a way, it felt like a slap int he face. but do to that slap in the face, it really opend up my eyes and forced me to see a new direction and and a new perspective and thinking. (much smiliar to a slap in the face where it hurts to see it happen in from of your eyes, but your head moves to the side with my eyes wide open realizing what was next to me instead of what i was trying to focus on infront of me.)
  • I picked up the hints throughout the week, she's def. not interested me in. and that's okay. but for some reason, i felt like i could change her mind about me. i can show her a different side of me in which she can appreciate. i always had high hopes (which kinda made the slap feel a lil more hurtful) thinking that i could change her mind about me, but i guess not. do i feel like a fool? a lil bit. but i learned something
  • i talked with Father JF (here's where the eye opening part of the slap comes in and the realization of what was next to me. ) in confession and he said that i am displacing my intimacy in other places. i thought about it for a while. and i said. why do i always have to think about girls? that shouldn't be the case. i shouldn't put so mcuh emphasis on that. there are other ways to feel more complete and more fulfilling in life besides a GF. and i just barely realized that. I should really be more patient with something liike this.
  • I've always felt that i was called for the life of Marriage, but i still have a hard time trying to hear God's will. i really need to get better at that. i think it was just what i want and not what God has in store for me. i shud really just leave it open and have God work his magic and let it happen mysteriously or not. or live a single life. What my place in life is for God, i must accept. i must...
My family called me and wished me a happy V Day
  • i think my family ate out on Vday. what was really swt tho was that they gave me a call on my voicemail saying happy vday and like. we love you and stuff. i mean, that's kinda rare in my fam and that's the frist tiem i ever got a call like that from my mom before. kinda nice. it made me feel so loved from my fam. I just wanted to add this last part. that's all. lol
i apologize if my blog was a bit darker and less upbeat than ussual. but yeah. i guess that's what was on my mind. i really felt the need to write it all out. I'm feeling hella sleepy rite now. i think i shud knock out. thx for reading and God Bless

nite all

End time: 2:45 AM