Hazel burned me a cd and this song was in it and i really really liked it. Azns can rap! lol
Current quote of the day: "It’s Better to Try and Fail Than to Have Never Tried At All" ---Donald Trump
So mass today inspired me to blog today. I normally don't make time to blog, but inspiration struck.
So at mass today at my home parish, the priest made all the couples who were married stand up and hold each other's hand and look each other in the eyes. the whole congregation was giggling a bit. i looked over to my right and there was a husband with the most serious face ever looking at his wife with the kids just below him. I couldn't tell if he was upset or angry and didn't want to do this in front of everybody. He smiled after a few minutes and i realized he was sincere. haha
anyway. the priest just renewed wedding vows with all the couples standing. I went to the 1pm Filipino mass and it generally has the older Filipinos and couples there. I gotta say, it was super cute just seeing an old happy couple still looking at each other with a twinkle in their eyes and the words "I do" said so boldly. It was quite touching to be honest. Their smile was bliss...
I just thought to myself that one day... God willing, I hope that can be me. The special girl will come around some day and I hope I can look back through all my years of my life up till now and do exactly just that. Express how happy i've been that God gave me a wonderful woman for my life. to show it and mean it. heh someone told me i was an idealist my way of thinking. I don't mind being one. I'll remain patient.
End time: 2:48pm
Awwwwwwwwww. Hahahah. That's cute.
would u stand up and look into my eyes?
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